Tuesday 18 December 2012

IPCC leak!

A draft of the next IPCC report has recently been leaked by an American blogger, Alec Rawls! It has however led to much debate and argument by climate skeptics about what to actually believe...

An article from New Scientist tells us more about some of the key details of this report.

I’m sure many including myself would agree with Rawls highlighting that humans will be the main driver of climate change. He then goes on to state that changing feedbacks within the climate system affect the impact of solar power on the climate, and that therefore this is essentially one of the key drivers of climate change. This has been questioned by other scientists however, saying that the sun doesn’t have much immediate effect over human timescales generally.

So what does the report have to say about sea level in particular? The IPCC believe that the Arctic may actually experience ice-free summers by the end of the century. This claim has of course been challenged by other scientists who claim this will happen even earlier (perhaps by 2050). The possibility is prevalent, however it looks like only time will tell. Ice sheet movement has also apparently been included in the models of sea level change.

I guess the question of the moment amongst climate scientists following this leak is the extent of solar effects on our climate vs fossil fuels? And that humans really are the main forcing factor of climate change now. For instance, this blog ridicules the IPCC by saying that their report doesn’t even make logical sense.
Uh oh! Who are we to believe now? The climate world is full of such contradictions, it’s hard to predict what the actual truth is. This was however just a draft report, that has seemed to have caused a stir in the climate world. Over the next few months we will have to wait and see what is actually to come...

A few sites to check:

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